Thursday, October 12, 2006

Situation Vacant?

Am very excited. Six more new children at club tonight (it's only the second week); I was especially pleased to see a boy who I have got to know at the local school's SU group, which has also only just started (it's in its fourth week).

Apart from 5 or 6 of the children, the majority don't attend church. But the great delight for me is that I know them all, either from my work in the school or from their parents attending groups or events I have run before for children and families. Most of them have attended other "church ministries" like the kids' summer club, or the partnership-funded nursery. I love to see what I call "joined up church", where one form of outreach or ministry neatly leads a family onto another and then another and so on.

I am also delighted that I don't run the midweek kids club :-) That a great team has been put together by the co-ordinator. If I'm there, it's a bonus for them, in that it's another pair of hands to do door duty or give out the juice. But if I'm not runs wonderfully :-)

A previous minister of our church said to me that my aim should be to do myself out of a job!

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