Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Emerging debate

I have taken down yesterday's post about my nervousness of going to this meeting (see Brodie's blog for further info) as I had a lovely time, in particular during the hanging about chatting for half an hour afterwards. Always my favourite kind of event.

Only two beards were in attendance, one neatly trimmed one and one rather majestic one. Chin scratching was witnessed but the perpetrator was the "feeling mischeivous" Rev Blythe. I only heard Volf mentioned (DW!) oooooh and McClendon (SB!)

FIVE women were present - wow - enough for a deaconate/leadership team/kirk session.

Everyone was very friendly, attentive and good thoughts and opinions were shared. I don't think I offended anyone, though I feel my weakness is that I can never express what I want to say cleverly; it's sometimes comes out all warm and fuzzy; HOWEVER it felt like you could say what you thought even if you weren't as knowledgeable as others in the gathering.

Plus Amy Winehouse was playing in the background. I felt mellow.
Thanks to Brodie for preparing a discussion paper and Stuart for organising the event and welcoming people in. (remember: Glenrothes in Nov!)

Was also delighted to see Dave was there as I didn't expect to see him, so that was a lovely surprise. Dave used to deliver my family's papers; beat my brother up once; ran amok in my estate wearing a Rangers strip (nothing's changed there then!)

I came to faith through his sister and we all grew our faith together from mid-teens onwards. And I got to chat to some other really cool people - who I'd like to talk to again :-)

And I didn't buy the Rocket Dog shoes spied in a nearby shop 5 mins before the discussion began.....................I resisted! Victory over the flesh.

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