Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Still here

I'm still alive! Feeling that I should be quieter in my virtual world as I feel I have been quite noisy in the real world preparing and leading some services.

Am looking forward to mid term next week - time to sort out the junk accumulating in the dining room - already I have managed to freecycle a few bits and pieces away.

I'm very much enjoying the time I have in my children's theology class (spirituality and additional support needs) as well as running two parenting groups at the mo. - a joint church/health board initiative - so life is busy. But my afternoons with my little boy are very precious as in a few short months he will be off to school and I think, in realisation of that, he has become very cuddly, sweet and affectionate. Challenging behaviour? What's that?!

Off to watch the Devil Wears Prada. You must watch it for the oneliners!!


  1. You're right about enjoying precious time with your wee one. I was counting down till "little G" went to school, but now I often miss her on my days off!
    Enjoy half term.

  2. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Ah freecycle .... you must be qplynn with the tweenies scooter and trampoline .....

  3. aaahh.....my cover is blown..........!!


In the words of Mrs Doyle in Father Ted, go on, go on, go on........

Leave me a wee message! Only rules - is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?