Monday, April 28, 2008

And a warm welcome to those visiting from worship central.....


My wonderful widget that shows traffic on the blog is telling me that some people are dropping by because I posted on Al Gordon's blog at worship central.

I was going to post more reflections on Saturday've got to go to Tesco for shopping and then tidy up my house (mainly do millions of washings) so the exciting world of theology will have to await the necessity of domestic drudgery. Nigella I ain't, but no less important to me is to maintain warmth and organisation (a bit of cleanliness too doesn't go wrong, I feel) in my home as well as with those I teach/train/encourage outside of it.

So please *do* come back after today and in the meantime - read my posts here (on children and worship) and here (on children and theology) cos you can't go deeper in one unless you know what you believe about the other.
Check out particularly April 18th and March 30th 2007 in children and theology section.

Hope this helps any readers mull it over. You've got to come to your own conclusions but please permit me to say that I see very exciting developments all around the UK and suspect that a vast wave is coming that will see children brought back more into the centre instead of being at the fringe (acknowledged but restrained), or separate (religious childcare), or "add ons (tolerated)"; little adults in miniature. I don't necessarily mean children preaching, prophesying and all of that - which I am not against! - but in my gut I sense that in the UK children will show us more of what God is like; that there will be a renewal of simplicity, absolute honesty, heartfelt and passionate expectation and total trust in one who is greater.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    "children brought back more into the centre instead of being at the fringe ..."

    Now there's a biblical thought! I seem to remember the someone famous having the same idea ... oh yes, it was the Lord Jesus!!

    All love and blessings to you in your domestic goddess time! I know the feeling ... and the piles of washing never seem to go down much, regardless of constant effort. I'm sure PVC bodysuits are the answer for our kids - waterproof inside and out and they just wipe clean!!
    Lorraine :)

  2. ooooooops sorry if I overstated the obvious Lorraine. I just got a bit excited when I was writing!

    Hey, my piles of washing must be nothing compared to yours....


In the words of Mrs Doyle in Father Ted, go on, go on, go on........

Leave me a wee message! Only rules - is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?