Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I received my results today and I was overwhelmed and delighted. I got the highest marks I have ever got in 5 years of very part-time study, whilst I was cramming in more modules than ever before in a term.

God is so good and faithful to me. Every hour that I struggled with my assignments and reading I talked to him about it (using, in the main, the word "help!")

I got 17 for my New Testament studies on the Gospels. (you write three short essays under unseen exam conditions, marked out of 20 and then averaged). I got 18, 17 and 16 which made 17 overall.

In the OT theology class, my three essays scored 16, 16 and 16. Regular readers may know I was really worried about the OT as I struggled with the amount of Hebrew knowledge it felt like one needed to know but as I sat down to sit the exam last Thursday I nearly exploded with joy and praise all the way through as I just knew what to say. It was an exam that felt like worship to the one true living God indeed.

And for my extended placement and research paper, I was marked on an 18 for the actual placement and then 15 and 15 for research and placement papers (I'm always better at the practical stuff; just let me get on with it and do it!) but then that's a pretty respectable 16 overall. Can't remember if 17 upwards is Outstanding on the Common Assessment Scale or "just" Very Good, but I'm chuffed to bits.

Only 3 modules to go next session then its all over!!
The BA Theo party is booked............


  1. Congrats........ just got my final 'pass' today too!

  2. Oh congratulations THM :-)
    Well done indeed. You have had to be so disciplined over the years.

    Crack open a bottle of....(you choose. Dunno what your persuasion is!)

  3. Congrats Lynn.
    Excellent results!

  4. thank you so much Doonhamer

  5. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Well done - you're an awesome woman and I just love your persistence and determination. Your 'can do' attitude will be used well by Him and for His glory! You so deserve a well earned break! Have a fantastic time in Toronto!!

    Love and blessings to all, L x

    PS I can't sleep ... thinking about dreams and stuff!!:) Hence why I'm posting this at 5 am! Just reading some blogs, praying and pondering!

  6. Lorraine, thanks for your very kind and encouraging words. Love the "can do" - "spitfire" and "feisty" have also been used in the past which cause me a bit more "hmmm-ing" and close self-examination.
    One thing I do know though, is that I can do nothing much without close relationships with other people; everything I do I do in partnership with great folks and I've been very grateful for your encouragement in recent days.

    I'm desperately praying I find the same thing in the new surroundings. If I even find a tiny percentage of the loving acceptance that I have found in this city, I will be blessed indeed!
    Isn't God glorious and great? He never calls without equipping. He knows my personality as my daddy so well. He knows I love and need nurturing relationships so that I can give *anything* back out.

  7. Congratulations! All the hard work has been worth it and now you can relax a bit!Thanks for the comment - I've been at LM the last two nights in a row setting up the prayer room. It's coming together nicely. I've spoken to M about coffee and hopefully we'll both be in touch to make plans once I'm back.

    Love Amie

  8. thanks Amie. I'm back on the 16th.

    did you notice I have tagged you?



In the words of Mrs Doyle in Father Ted, go on, go on, go on........

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