Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring Harvest Days 4, 5 and 6.

I didn't really complete the Spring Harvest sextuplet posting -
Day 4 was great. After the fulfillment of all the volunteers team duties, putting our own kids to bed etc, we managed to go to a late night soaking and worship session led by Nick Herbert and his musicians and it was absolutely awesome.

We felt like we were:

and during this session we felt this:-

So needed. To be in the presence of God letting all the cares and worries and stresses of life just wash away.

On Day 5 we (adults) witnessed an incredible response time amongst the children we were working with. After some simple teaching about Jesus and what he has done for us, I wept as I watched children crowding round a 6 foot high cross to say sorry for all the wrong things they had done. One little girl was literally clinging to the cross with both hands, with her head bowed. I imagined that she was telling Jesus she was sorry and that she loved him with all her heart. Oh tears were rolling down my face as just watching this scene before me showed me as an adult something that of course these little ones have - honest and open hearts. Then and there I heard God say: let these little ones come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

There were so many children kneeling around the cross. No adults were there telling children what to do - the team had stood back after facilitating the children to respond to Jesus in a variety of different ways around the room.

On Day 6, after a 2 hour morning meeting with the children, we left Sunny Skegness and went home. For a rest you would think but it was 6 hours back and then I leapt into a baptismal tank with the SP to baptise three people. What an awesome privilege!

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