Thursday, May 14, 2009

Two down, three to go......

I have finished my last ever exams for my theology degree but I am still less than halfway through all my final assignments. Have got a research paper to hand in as well as two more essays. Hoping the exegesis one goes fairly smoothly (a bit nervous about that one!)

I feel slightly frustrated because I am totally and utterly committed to my job as well as to finishing the degree. So, in amongst the two days off to prepare, I finished liasing with folks re: an all age service, arranged some discipleship, worked some more on the kids weekend away and summer plans and tried to answer a number of emails. Then I thought that was a bit ridiculous so I put an "out of office" message on my email as I had to attend a denominational meeting somewhere far away....

But now I have come back to a bit of a pile up of things I absolutely have to do before I can refocus on my research paper. Hmmmmm. I am so determined to get through this.

Someone who I have only fleetingly met In Real Life left a comment for me this week which is probably one of the most encouraging comments I have ever received. They have been through a similar process (juggling things to finish a theology degree) and I had admitted in January to a few of my facebook friends that I didn't think I would be able to get through this semester.

The comment said:
"As Lynn rounds the final bend, she's into the home straight, and seeing the finishing line directly ahead of her for the first time she puts on a final burst of speed; recognizing the almost superhuman effort the crowd are on their feet, cheering her on, willing her to succeed"....

Someone sent me an encouragement in an email to stick in. Several folks here have been texting me. I am so encouraged. It's these little things that make so much of a difference. Thank you, thank you Father!

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