Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Last post was about joy; seems appropriate that this one is about mourning as we approach Good Friday.

We have three half hour meditations on Good Friday, 12, 12.30 and 1pm. I'm leading the middle one, from Mary's perspective.

I've been preparing using some music that sounds like a lament from deep within (by Alberto and Kimberley Rivera) and I'm finding sadness well up as I identify with Mary, losing her son who was, after all, "still her little child".

I had a miscarriage some years back and God's helped me with that more than I could ever ask or imagine. I am deeply moved by Mary's submission to the will of God, to lose the child she brought up and saw grow into an incredible human being.

God, meet with me as I remember that your death wasn't a neat storybook tale nor some romantic myth; but full of pain and sadness and separation from those who loved you.

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