Saturday, December 16, 2006

Party weekend and "Torture Chambers"

That's the childrens' Christmas party weekend over for me, feel exhausted but very satisfied. No-one went missing, threw up, fell out with each other or sustained a nasty injury. I love, love, love watching children play together happily.

Both parties were out-of-house, one for P6s and 7s in a cinema (The Nativity) and one in a soft play area. My previous boss [ in education] called soft play areas Torture Chambers. However, today's private hire party allowed those parents who wanted to come to chat and mingle and drink tea and coffee. My favourite kind of party (relaxed atmosphere; kids amused; leaders, kids and parents chatting and enjoying one another's company. An easy way to amuse seventy under 10s.

Do you think I would get away with asking for a soft play area to be part of the plans of any future building redesign? This church did. (but there are no pictures on the web. Think I would like to visit it).

They are such a key place for socialising for men or women with children under 10. I think they are gathering places a bit like the wells of Jesus day. I imagine round the well kids would be running around splashing, chasing each other, pestering their mums while they talked with their friends. The wells would have been a focal point for the women of a community. And of course there are a fair number of men who are the main carer.

Anyway, I can but dream "out of the box" ideas!


  1. that's where your wrong as one of my boys did throw up....and it was a very nice brown colour but contained no carrots!

  2. aaaaah I know which boy it was and I will tell you why tomorrow!

    (think tub biggest tub of maltesers you have EVER seen and a boy almost fully inside it.......)

  3. Yes, I saw that too! I actually thought it would be a good idea to have a special time for adults to have a go. Judging by how tired the children were, it would be a great workout - more fun than the treadmill!


In the words of Mrs Doyle in Father Ted, go on, go on, go on........

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